If you are out there searching for a job, you know how frustrating it is when many job openings are never advertised online. The hidden job market is no myth. How do youuncover the secret job openings?
- Where Would Do You Want to Work? Target companies you are most interested in working for. Apply for their internal job boards and add each company’s job board to your RSS reader so you will know as soon as a new job is posted.
- Who Do You Know? Tell your friends and family where you are interested in working. If you can get a personal reference from someone who knows about a job opportunity at their company, you are another step ahead of your competition.
- Where Should You Network? Not only should you connect with people you know on LinkedIn, but you should also attend industry meetings and happy hours to extend your reach. Introduce yourself to managers at companies you are interested in. Once you’re connected, bring value to the conversation by listening and asking smart questions. Eventually when you see a job opening, ask your new contacts about it.
Remember, when looking for a job, do your best to keep a good attitude and keep
up with what is happening in your industry.
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