Are you a soon-to-be new graduate looking for a job?
Many of today’s graduates are told they should look for jobs specifically in the area of their college major. This is old advice that is no longer valid.
Skills and knowledge are transferable. Graduates have a leg up on other applicants when they can plug their knowledge into different areas, show employers they are flexible and do the job regardless of their major.
In the past, people felt learning a particular skill was important for landing the job. Now employers are looking more for the whole package. Yes, you must have basic skills and knowledge in the area, but other things play a big role in the hiring process.
Employers Want
Employers look for candidates with:
- A willingness to learn and try new things
- An ability to work with others
- Great communication skills (both written and verbal)
- Leadership
- An ability to handle change
- Responsibility and self-motivation
- An awareness of strengths
- An ability to think outside the box
- A desire to grow with the company
Showcase Your Skills
Showcase what you can do and what you have been involved in on your resume. Don’t feel you are limited to work experience. If you are a new grad, employers will expect to see college activities and leadership in such activities as part of your resume.
You might be surprised what the employer will find valuable. I know a person with an engineering background that was hired because of their social media knowledge to help promote the company. I also know a graduate who was scooped up by a radio station as an on-air broadcaster because he had worked for his college radio station and had a superior work ethic.
Keep an Open Mind
Don’t pigeonhole yourself into one certain job. Keep an open mind when applying for roles and during the interview. Show the employer how YOU can be an asset to the company.
Need some help?
Call your Career Coach, Rachel Schneider at Career Find and schedule a meeting to create a resume that will differentiate you from other new graduates and develop a non-traditional job search strategy to help you feel confident as you begin your job search.