While we encourage you to have a profile on LinkedIn, we don’t recommend posting your resume just anywhere on the web. Here’s why…
With the use of the Internet, it is hard to manage the information that is out there about you. When searching for a job, you want to have as much control as possible. When you peruse a job board for positions you are interested in, apply and submit your resume directly to the company. Don’t share your resume on open job boards for all to see.
Another problem we see frequently with job seekers is stretching the truth about their job experience. While you may think it’s not a big deal to pad your resume or online profile, your result may not be a job offer.
A recent story came to our attention about an employee stating that the were ‘an expert’ in their past field online. Through an easy online search, that past employee ended up being sued because of this slight exaggeration.
In the end, don’t lie, exaggerate or pad information on your resume and then post it on the Internet for the world to see. It could have very different results that what you intended.