If you’re unhappy with your job and looking to make a change, a career coach may be just what you need. Even if you think everything is “fine,” you may feel deep down that you’re not doing what makes you happy.

A career coach can help you with a simple task like updating your resume to make it shine. Or something more complex like helping you figure out what you really want to do with your life. They can guide you through the confusion of changing jobs or careers, going back to school, and even just moving to a different company.

Working with a career coach is a great way to get an unbiased opinion on changes you can make in your career path.

Signs You Need a Career Coach

If you’re not sure if working with a coach is the right choice for you, here are a few signs to help you figure it out.

  1. You’re Unhappy in Your Current Job

This is one of the most obvious signs that you’re ready for a change. If you’re feeling unhappy but don’t know what you want to do instead, a career coach can help you guide you to the answer you’re looking for.

  1. Having the “It’s a Paycheck” Mentality

This goes hand-in-hand with #1. You’re unhappy with your job, but hey, at least it’s a paycheck. Having a job that you love can also give you a paycheck that makes you happy. It IS possible to have both and a career coach can help you figure out how to make that happen.

  1. You Like Your Job But Need to Make More Money

Knowing how to ask for the raise you deserve can be difficult. There are a few tricks you can use like doing your research and knowing what other people in your field make. A career coach can help you negotiate the best way to approach your company, what to say, and when to make the move when asking for a raise. They can also help you figure out if you can make the money you want to make working for another company.

  1. You’re Stuck

If you’ve been stuck in the same position, making the same salary, without any raises or promotions for too long, it’s time to consider a change. Working with a career coach can help you figure out how to put your skills and experience to use in a job that will pay you more and has more opportunities for growth.

  1. You Have Too Many or Too Few Interests

When you know you want to make a change but you’re not sure what you want to do, a career coach can help you sort through your ideas and make sense of them. They can also help you dig deep to find your true passions and put them to use in your career.

  1. You’ve Been Unemployed Too Long

Even if your resume looks great and you have tons of experience, being unemployed for too long can work against you when you’re trying to reenter to the work world. Potential employers can see this as a negative. A career coach can help you improve your resume, practice your interview skills, and help you figure out how to answer the tough questions like “why have you been unemployed so long.”

There are many great benefits to working with a career coach. Whether you’re trying to change careers, find your passion, get back into the corporate world, or make more money, a career coach can help you achieve your goals.

Are You Ready to Work With a Career Coach?

Call your Career Coach, Rachel Schneider at Career Find and schedule a meeting to begin coaching that will differentiate you from other job seekers and help you develop a  job search strategy as you begin your job search.

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