Has your workload increased due to a promotion or surviving layoffs? How are you handling your extra workload? How do you manage to not loose your mind in an office overload?
Check out these 3 ways to boost your productivity…
- Embrace your productivity methods – How do you like to get organized in order to complete tasks? Whether you are the sticky-note queen or the stack master, when it comes to productivity there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Keep track of your progress and efficiency with the technique that works for you. After completing a few tasks, if you think there is room for improvement, don’t be afraid to try a new organization technique.
- Prevent brain ADD – It’s easy to get off task, especially when you have so much on your plate. Often, where there is an excessive amount of tasks on a to-do list, people completely stray into non-productivity. How do you take charge of everything in your head? Start by writing down all of your ideas, to-dos, and tasks to complete. By doing so, you clear you psychic desk and bring immediate relaxation to your jumbled brain. Then, start with what is most important or something you can do quickly to begin checking off your list.
- Don’t be afraid to take breaks – Just because you have an overwhelming amount on your to-do list doesn’t mean that you can’t take a break to clear your mind. Schedule a walk or get a pedicure at lunchtime. Commit to clearing your calendar for even an hour. You’ll feel re-energized when you head back into the office.
For help and more ways to improve your productivity, call Career Find.
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