When we start a new job, we have a bright outlook and hope that we will enjoy the new daily routine most days. In reality, not all jobs turn out to be so wonderful. How can you tell if you are just in a rut or if it’s time to look for a new opportunity? If you can check off the following 5 job problems, it’s time to start looking.
You have a case of “the Sundays” every night of the week…
Even people who love their jobs can suffer from the “Sunday night blues”, dreading the week ahead. If you dread going to work every single day of the week, this is a sign you need to consider your options.
There is no chance for advancement at your company…
You might just be unhappy at your current position and need a new challenge. However, that new challenge may not be available at your current company. If you have inquired about another internal position without successful results, it’s time to start looking for another opportunity.
You need more flexible hours and the company cannot accommodate…
Everyone has life changes. Do you need more personal time to care for an aging relative or a new baby? Whatever the case may be, flexibility at work is important for a healthy work/life balance. If your job is unable to accommodate this temporary need, you may have a choice to make.
You are underpaid with no change in sight…
When you are hired with the promise of increased pay and it doesn’t happen, you will find yourself in an unfortunate situation. Don’t stay at a company that undervalues your worth and gives you the run-around.
You don’t get along with your boss…
Whether your boss is inconsistent, a micro-manager or an evil dictator, lots of people can tolerate a great job with a bad boss. However, if you don’t enjoy any part of your job and you can’t tolerate your boss, it’s time to look for another opportunity.
If you can check yes next to all of these job problems, it is absolutely time to take a look at your options. Taking a leap into the job market can be scary. Don’t face it alone. Call a Career Coach today to help you get on the right path to job fulfillment.