Whether you are a student in college or a job candidate in the real world, the way you interview for a job is ever-changing. The latest way you need to be prepared to interview is via video chat. It doesn’t matter if you use Skype, FaceTime, Zoom or another video conferencing program, now is the time to prepare.
Companies from all industries now interview for jobs and internships over live streaming video. University career offices have now started to train students in the skill of conversing on video chat. It’s time all professionals get familiar with this skill as well.
While you would think the younger generation would truly excel at video chat interviews, it is something everyone at every age has to practice. So how do you come across as your most professional self in a video chat interview?
Some Important Tips for Video Chat
So how do you come across as your most professional self in a video chat interview? Check out these tips.
Dress as you would in person.
People often make the mistake of taking video interviews more casually, which translates to the interviewer as not taking the interview seriously. Dress as you would for a live, in-person interview. Look your best and you will appear professional to the interviewer.
Handle a technology glitch the right way.
It’s easy to get frustrated when technology does not work as it should. Instead of your normal, possibly aggressive reaction to a problem, stay calm, be prepared and make sure you have a very strong wireless connection before getting on the video call. It is good to have a back-up device just in case. For example if you are interviewing using a laptop, have a phone handy to use in a pinch.
Be aware of your surroundings.
It is best to have an interview backdrop of a private office or uncluttered room. If you are at your home, make sure you will not have any family or pet interruptions and be aware of what is hanging on the wall behind you.
These are just a few important tips. There are many more. Read the Top 10 Tips to Ace Virtual Interviews and be totally prepared for your next video interview.
Do You Need More Help?
If you would like more help preparing for video chat and virtual interviews, consider working with me, your Career Coach, Rachel Schneider, at Career Find. We can schedule a meeting to prepare and help you practice virtual interviewing.
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