From our last newsletter you learned why you should clean up your social media profiles when looking for a job so what’s next?

Why not Learn how to tailor your online presence to land the job?

A recent article from CareerBuilder stated 37 percent of employers reported they are using social networking sites to research job seekers’ every online move.

So what are hiring managers looking for? The number one answer was a professional image. Then they were looking for a good fit with the company, qualifications and to see if the candidate is well rounded.

29 percent of hiring managers said some discoveries have led them to extend an offer. Overall the candidates that were offered a job from online research were because their social media profile mirrored the things they said in the interview. For example, the candidate’s background information supported their qualifications, the candidate conveyed a professional image, the hiring manager got a good feel for the candidate’s personality and other people posted great references about the candidate.

When used correctly, social media is a great way for job seekers to tailor a positive message to potential employers. Use this graphic below to help customize your online profiles to reflect your professional image.