Hunting for the perfect job for an individual requires time, effort and knowledge. Sometimes we get stressed with the amount of time and effort involved with the process of job hunting. Has this ever happened to you?
Steps to Remove the Stress
For stress-free job-hunting, every individual must first consider the following pointers before starting your job hunting process:
- Know what type of job you would like to apply for. Attending job fairs that offer work which is not related to one’s degree or work preference would be a waste of time.
Consider your interests, preference of work location and job shifts. If all these fit the category of the job opening available, then consider applying.
- Prepare possible needed documents or career portfolio. Have several copies of your resume, transcript of records and any certifications or reference letters ready for immediate submission if needed.
Waiting until you get the call to get these items updated and together just adds to the stress. Be prepared in advance.
- Know where to look for job postings. Below are some ideas:
One of most widely used searching options is the Internet. Aside from the fact that browsing the Internet for available jobs is less time consuming than personal appearances to inquire at the offices, this can also be the least productive form of job hunting.
* Newspapers
Local newspapers advertise jobs that are within an applicant’s commuting distance. Available jobs are usually printed on a regular basis.
*Career or Job Centers
Depending on where you live, you may have a center in your community. They work with employers to keep an updated list of jobs available.
*Trade Periodicals or magazines
Professionals are best advised to look for jobs in magazines/journals since employers that would want to hire the same would advertise in such journals.
Most companies have postings of job openings on their website with instructions on how to apply.
Friends are a great source of available jobs especially if they already work there and can put in a good word for you to get an interview. Just a word of caution, don’t expect to get the job just because you have a friend working there. Do your due diligence and research to make sure this is a good fit for you and you are prepared to go through the interview process just like everyone else.
Searching for a job will always include some level of stress but you can do your best to minimize it and help yourself be a confident job-seeker.
If you need help preparing for the job-hunt, contact your Career Coach, Rachel Schneider, at Career Find and schedule a meeting to create a resume that will differentiate you from other job seekers and develop job search strategy to help you feel confident as you begin your job search.