The new year is here, and perhaps you made some resolutions regarding work-life balance. After spending more time with your family and finding a little more balance with your work and life during the pandemic, you may have set resolutions to help you stick to your new lifestyle instead of going back to working all the time. Or, if you haven’t found that balance yet, you may have made a resolution to help find more work-life balance.
Resolutions are something most people manage to break within the first few months of the year. Instead, you may want to create goals. Goals are something we think about a little differently, plan for differently, and have a better track record of sticking to. Changing a resolution into a goal can help you be successful in finding the balance you are looking for.
Whether you made resolutions or are planning goals you want to achieve, here are some foundations that will help you think a bit differently and find more balance:
Focus on Time Management
One of the reasons we have a hard time finding balance is that we don’t manage our time well. We spend most of our time working and just fit the life activities in whenever there happens to be free time. Instead, a better approach is to manage your time. Schedule your hobbies, family time, and activities just as you would a work meeting. Making time for life’s pleasures is the best way to ensure you don’t miss out on them.
Plan Your After-Work Activities
Just as with time management, planning ahead, and scheduling things you want to do will help you stick to your resolution of finding more balance. Instead of waiting for the weekend to arrive and then figuring out what you want to do, look for activities ahead of time or make a plan for working on hobbies or taking a hike. It will give you something to look forward to during the week.
Don’t Waste Your Leave
So many people don’t use their vacation time or only use part of it because they say they’re just too busy to take time off. According to, “More than half of Americans don’t use all of their paid vacation days, according to an annual report from the U.S. Travel Association.
You’re given vacation time to help you relax and recharge so that you don’t get burned out. Take your leave. Make plans for a trip or a staycation. Either way, use the time you’re given to help you recharge yourself.
Break Routines
Routines can make us feel like we’re stuck in a rut, just going through the motions. A simple break in your everyday routine can help you engage more with your life and find simple pleasures. Stop at a different coffee shop on the way to work, have breakfast for dinner, enjoy a family game night in the middle of the week. Variations from your routine will force you to be more present in the moment.
Resolve to Do What Makes You Happy
We all have ideas about things we want to do or try “one day,” but we never actually get around to them. What are some things you’d like to do? Learn how to cook a new dish? Paint? Write? Travel? All of these things can be done within your regular schedule. Plus they will bring you more joy in all areas of your life. Sign up for a class or plan a trip, then use your leave time, weekends, or your after-work time to enjoy these pleasures of life.
Making goals to help you achieve more work-life balance will make you happier in your personal life and make you more productive and focused at work.
If You Desire Some Help
If you find yourself struggling with your career and want to talk about navigating it and planning for your future, reach out to Rachel Schneider with CareerFind for a free intro call.