How do you work successfully with people who have different learning styles than you?   Lately, we have been discussing the various learning styles and how understanding your learning style can help you find the perfect career and be more successful.   But sometimes, you not only need to know your learning style but the learning style of others and how best to relate to them.

Different learning styles

Researchers say we retain approximately 10 percent of what we see; 30 to 40 percent of what we see and hear; and 90 percent of what we see, hear, and do. So it would be great to learn in all three styles.   We all have the capability to learn via all three but are usually dominant in one style.

A key thing to remember is everyone learns in various ways, but one way is always predominant.  Learning to work with people who have different learning styles can help you on the road to success on the job and in life. 

Working With Visual Learners

The majority of people in the world are visual learners. The world is full of visuals, so helping or working with them should be easy.

Some Things To Remember About Visual Learners

  • They will remember something more if they read it instead of listening to it. (Less talk and more written content)
  • Flag things with different colors
  • They usually enjoy problem-solving opportunities and big-picture-type projects.
  • The more graphics and visuals you use, the better.
  • Associate ideas, concepts, data, and other information with images.
  • Use highlighter pens of contrasting colors to color code different aspects of the information.
  • Videos and other graphics are preferred over listening. 

Working with the Auditory Learner

Auditory learners learn best by listening and hearing. Those with an auditory learning style like to hear others speak and be the speaker. They often want music or some sound in the background as they work.  

Some Things To Remember About Auditory Learners

  • They respond better to oral instructions than a set of written instructions.
  • Auditory learners usually like to talk and participate in discussions. 
  • They can often provide detailed descriptions of something. 
  • They might benefit from using speech recognition tools on their computers and phones. 
  • Taking notes is often tricky for auditory learners since the process distracts them from listening. 
  • When working with auditory learners, regulate your voice tone, inflection, and body language.
  • Allow employees and coworkers with auditory learning styles to listen to appropriate music while working when possible.

Working With The Kinesthetic Learner

Kinesthetic learners are the minority, making up approximately 5% of the population. But these people are doers. They have to be doing something, moving around, and being active.

Kinesthetic or tactile learners retain information through various types of experiences and by actually doing things. They fidget and move in their seat. Just listening to someone talk totally turns them off.  

Some Things To Remember About Kinesthetic Learners

  • They enjoy making things with their hands and doing hands-on activities. 
  • They use all their senses – sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing. When asking them to describe an event, they will tell you what they saw, heard, smelled, etc.
  • They want to feel your enthusiasm for a project.
  • These employees can get bored easily. They crave movement and doing. 
  • They like stand-up desks
  • Instead of watching a video, they would rather make a video.
  • These are the coworkers or employees who would benefit from walking meetings. 
  • They are often great with computers. 

The work setting usually provides an opportunity to work with people of varying learning styles. Knowing how to relate to each style will increase your chances of success when working in groups or with coworkers on projects.  

Sometimes it is just as important to understand how others learn as it is to know how you learn. 

Learn More About Different Learning Styles

To learn more about learning styles, check out these articles.

Honoring Your Learning Style Can Increase Productivity

Match Your Learning Style To Find Career Success

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I would love to speak with you to determine if I can help you accomplish your goals. If you need guidance on your career, I am here to help.   If you find yourself in a situation where you need career advice or support and want to talk about planning for your future, reach out to me,  Rachel Schneider, at Career Find, for a free Intro Call.