Zoom etiquette in 2021 is important. Life has required a lot of changes since COVID, one of them being the way we work. Many people are working remotely and avoiding conference room meetings, and companies are offering both employee and client meetings by video chat to help avoid close contact with others. With all of these changes, Zoom has become part of our regular, day-to-day life.

But working remotely means we don’t always hold ourselves to the same professional standards we might if we had to go into the office. For instance, loungewear and pajamas have become commonplace wardrobe for remote workers instead of their usual suits.


Zoom Etiquett Update
With the continuation of remote working, it’s essential to follow a bit of Zoom etiquette to help us maintain our professional standards.

Zoom Etiquette

These tips will help you to continue to appear professional and make others happy to be working with you.

1. Arrive On Time and Looking Professional

The worst way to represent yourself to your clients or your boss is to arrive late, looking like you just crawled out of bed. Just as you plan to arrive at the office on time and look professional, it’s important to represent yourself the same way on Zoom. Get dressed, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and show up on time.

2. Make Sure Your Camera is On

Nobody wants to log in to a meeting with you and see either a black screen or your avatar. They came to talk with you, and they want to engage with you. That means they need to see your face. While it may be a long time before you can meet again in person, people want to feel as close to in-person as they can. Zoom allows you to check your camera and audio settings before you join a meeting. Take advantage of these features if you need to.

3. Act Professional

If you were in a meeting in your conference room, you wouldn’t keep getting up to adjust your seat, enjoy a snack, or be distracted by your phone or other internet browser windows you have open. Don’t multi-task shopping for a new pair of shoes while you’re in a meeting with a client. Don’t multitask while on Zoom.  Besides, according to the Sydney Morning Herald,  multitasking can even lower your IQ. Behave as you would if you were in the office face-to-face.

4. Find a Private Space

If you have a home office, close the door. If you have a designated area to work in an open space, find a way to reduce background noises and distractions. Ask your family to go into another room during your meeting, don’t run the dishwasher in the background, and find a way to keep your pets quiet with a nap in another room. You would not have these distractions at the office, so you shouldn’t have them on zoom calls either if it can be avoided.

5. Learn How to Interrupt Politely

Look for breaks in the conversation or use signals like taking yourself off mute to signal that you’re getting ready to speak. It can be a little harder to read other people and politely turn the conversation over on Zoom than in person. Master the art of politely interrupting.

Zoom meetings are here to stay for the foreseeable future. Showing good etiquette during these meetings can solidify your professional image, making both your boss and your clients happy to keep working with you.

If You Desire Some Help

If you find yourself desiring to advance in your career and want to talk about navigating it and planning for your future, reach out to Rachel Schneider with CareerFind for a free intro call.